# Computer Graphics Project ## Introduction This is a full 3D computer graphics project. Using lwjgl. ## Run I have tested on my computer(macOS) with GL version "OpenGL version is 2.1 ATI-4.6.20" and Windows10 computer with GL version 4.6 Both of these two version can run this project perfectly. To start the program, run Main.java ## Performance I have tested this program on RTX 3060 it can run at 60 fps with VSync on. But in the video, I am using a Mac computer so the FPS might not very high... ## Control WASD to move. Space to jump. F to change the perspective. Shift to go up Enter to go down That's it. ## Video The video has been accelerated to meet the requirement of 3 minutes.... So I suggest you run this project on your computer to see the scence and anmiations....